We're pleased to announce that
NeoRouter v0.9.5.992 beta is now available for download. It's compatible with all previous versions, but highly recommended to upgrade to the latest version.
In this release we provide the Zero-config VPN solution for La Fonera from FON (
http://www.fon.com), which is the largest WiFi community in the world. Working with FON development team, we successfully ported NeoRouter Server to the La Fonera 2.0 Firmware. La Fonera 2.0 is under the beta testing right now and will be released soon.
1. New products * New product - NeoRouter Server for Fonera 2.0 Firmware (v2.2.3.0)
This product contains all .ipk packages for Fonera 2.0 (Caterpillar v2.2.3.0) firmware. It's fully tested on La Fonera+(FON2201) and La Fonera 2.0 beta (FON2202). Since La Fonera+ has less RAM, we provide the .ipk packages for FON users installing NeoRouter easily. Check out our wiki for
the step-by-step how-to.
* NeoRouter Server for Fonera 2.0 Firmware (v2.2.3.0) FON Plugin
This product is a standard FON plugin, which is designed for La Fonera 2.0 users ONLY.
* NeoRouter Server for Tomato Firmware v1.23
This product is designed for users having old routers, on which Tomato ND does not work.
2. What's new:* Improved computers and users management framework
* Implemented auto-sign in and remember password features
* Enabled feature that allows users to change server listening port on Linux and in-a-box version.
NOTE: Users must set proper firewall on the router manually.
* Fixed bug: NeoRouter client cannot sign in after unexpected network disconnection, until timeout.
* Fixed bug: Zebra Network Interface cannot be assigned virtual IP address when user switch domains.
* Fixed bug: potential MAC address conflicts.
* Added new add-ons for the latest UltraVNC 1.0.5 and Tight VNC.
Thanks to our avid Beta Testers to help us discovered and fixed quite a few bugs.
Feel free to download it and tell us what you think.