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 Post subject: NeoRouter v0.9.4 for Linux released
PostPosted: Mon Dec 29, 2008 10:41 pm 
Site Admin

Joined: Sat Sep 27, 2008 12:35 am
Posts: 83
We're pleased to announce that NeoRouter Server v0.9.4.825 Beta for Linux is now available for download. It's been tested on Red hat Linux, Suse Linux and Ubuntu Linux. It supports all other Linux distributions with kernel 2.4 and later.

To setup NeoRouter Server on Linux, please follow the installation guide below to install the package on your Linux. Then install the NeoRouter Network Explorer on a separate computer, from where you can run the NeoRouter Configuration Explorer to setup NeoRouter domain information.

By default, the NeoRouter server has a built-in administrator account:
User Name: admin
Password: admin
So you can use this account to logon to the NeoRouter server at the first run.

From, NeoRouter server for Linux does not support built-in administrator account ("admin") anymore, instead, you can use any Linux system account to log on to the NeoRouter server at the first run.

Configuration of NeoRouter server under Red hat Linux and Fedora

1) Download NeoRouter server for Fedora from
2) In a terminal, run command "sudo rpm -i neorouter-<version>-<release>.i386.rpm"
3) Config firewall: in a terminal, run command "sudo nano /etc/sysconfig/iptables",
add the following line before "COMMIT".
"-A INPUT -m state --state NEW -m tcp -p tcp --dport 32976 -j ACCEPT"
4) Restart iptables using command "sudo service iptables restart".

In a terminal, run command "sudo rpm -e neorouter".

Configuration of NeoRouter server under Suse Linux

1) Download NeoRouter server for openSUSE from
2) In a terminal, run command "sudo rpm -i neorouter-<version>-<release>.i386.rpm"
3) Configure firewall:
a. Launch firewall configuration tool
b. Choose "Allowed Services" in the left panel
c. Choose "External Zone" in the first drop-down box
d. Choose "NeoRouter server" in the second drop-down box
e. Click "Add" button
f. Click "Next"
g. Click "Finish" to save the changes

In a terminal, run command "sudo rpm -e neorouter".

Configuration of NeoRouter server under Ubuntu Linux

1) Download NeoRouter server for Ubuntu from
2) In a terminal, run command "sudo dpkg -i neorouter-<version>-<release>.i386.deb"

In a terminal, run command "sudo dpkg -r neorouter".

For more detailed information, please check the document:
Install NeoRouter server for Linux

Thanks to our avid Beta Testers to help us discovered and fixed quite a few bugs.

Feel free to download it and tell us what you think.

 Post subject: Re: NeoRouter v0.9.4 for Linux released
PostPosted: Mon Feb 02, 2009 12:56 pm 
Site Admin

Joined: Sat Sep 27, 2008 12:35 am
Posts: 83
We're very glad to announce that NeoRouter Server v0.9.4.906 Beta for Linux is now available for download.

What's new:

* Fixed bugs related to multi-threads timer

Thanks to our avid Beta Testers to help us discovered and fixed quite a few bugs.

Feel free to download it and tell us what you think.

NeoRouter Team

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