
NeoRouter Free v1.1.1 released
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Author:  administrator [ Tue Jun 22, 2010 9:27 pm ]
Post subject:  NeoRouter Free v1.1.1 released

We're very excited to announce that NeoRouter Free v1.1.1.1950 is now available for download.

What's new

* Implemented NeoRouter Client GUI for Mac OSX

* Enabled P2P feature in NeoRouter Portable

* Merged USB/Portable edition to the NeoRouter Portable

* Improved SSL library and remove the dependency to openssl libs for Linux. This makes NeoRouter support more Linux distros without complaining about imcompatible openssl libs.

* Solved the famous hairpin issue by setting the local server IP address

* Refine "Connection Option" dialog box

* Added "Minimize at Startup" menu item in NRClient for Windows

* Enable "check license" option in CLI

* Allow NR Client delete a category with computers

* Fixed bug related to WOL in NRServer for in-a-box. It was not enable to wake up the computer in the same LAN as the NR Server router, but the computers behind the router.

* Fixed bug related to collecting MAC on Linux, when eth0 is missing

* Improved Installer for Mac and Windows

* Added default description for the new computer with the user name, who registers it

Thanks to our avid Beta Testers to help us discovered and fixed quite a few bugs.

Feel free to download it and tell us what you think.

NeoRouter Team

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