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 Post subject: NeoRouter Free v1.1.4 released
PostPosted: Tue Nov 02, 2010 8:17 pm 
Site Admin

Joined: Sat Sep 27, 2008 12:35 am
Posts: 83
We're very excited to announce that NeoRouter Free v1.1.4.2330 is now available for download.

In this build we still focused on the performance tuning, feature adjustment and bug fixing. It's highly recommended to upgrade to the latest version.

What's new:

* Optimized the server core to improve the performance and reduce CPU usage.

* Improved NR for Android to support more devices, including Samsung Galaxy Tablet and some Moto's cell phones

* Added an option in Portable version, allowing one save changes, including add-ons, log on information and so on, on the local computer.

* Added a new parameter in CLI, allowing one register a computer in a single command
nrclientcmd -d [domain name] -u [user name] -p [password] -register

* Added more control parameters in Log.ini to split the log file into several small files
To specify the max number of lines in each file, use the following parameter in the Log.ini file.
MaxNumOfLines=[integer value]
0 - logging to a single file
>0 - lines in each file

* Added new add-ons in MacUI, including Windows RDP (remote desktop) client support and VNC client support

* Changed shared folder add-on in MacUI to support cifs instead the old smb

* Changed default logging mask to "Debug" level instead of "Trace" level

* Fixed critical bug in NR server that client status does not get updated when it lost connection to the server

* Fixed critical bug that nrclientcmd (CLI) and UI may not be able to connect to NR service sometimes. It may stay at message "connecting to server .." or keep reconnecting.

* Fixed critical bug that cause when parsing the LANSegment value in Feature.ini. This may cause fail to setup point-to-site VPN when using the format LANSegment=[ip|ip range],vip

* Fixed critical bug in NR for Android, that one cannot change dynamic/static port forward options

* Fixed bug in uninstaller while running in the silent mode on Windows terminal. [uninstall.exe /S]

* Fixed bug missing FreeBSD type support in CLI

* Fixed MacUI to save encrypted password on the local Mac instead of plaintext

* Fixed bug in Configuration Explorer when close sign in window

Notes for Tomato users:
Please backup the /jffs folder before upgrading the latest firmware. Since the NRserver gets bigger, the existing /jffs space would be destroyed while upgrading and require format again. You can use scp to back it up and restore those files, including database, after upgrading.

Thanks to our avid Beta Testers to help us discovered and fixed quite a few bugs.

Feel free to download it and tell us what you think.

NeoRouter Team

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