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 Post subject: NeoRouter Professional v1.4.0 released
PostPosted: Tue Mar 01, 2011 11:35 pm 
Site Admin

Joined: Sat Sep 27, 2008 12:35 am
Posts: 83
We're very excited to announce that NeoRouter Professional v1.4.0.2620 is now available for download.

In the past months, we keep improving the product performance and stability to meet the requirements from our business users. This build is compatible with previous Pro editions.

What's new (comparing to v1.2.0)

* New products

- OpenWrt Backfire x86 support, fully tested on Soekris and ALIX boards

* Changes

- OpenWrt Backfire (mipsel) support

- Tomato firmware v1.28 support

- Improved P2P core so that peers can create direct connection even one of them is behind a Symmetric NAT

- Show consistent computer list on all platforms

- Optimized broadcast packets process module in server to void the burst stream

- Added v2 bulk commands support

- Added option to check software updates in the Network Explorer for Mac

- Added uninstall shortcut in the Mac version

- Refined UI on Windows

- Code factoring

* Bug fixes

- Fixed critical bug that may cause NR client update computer list improperly

- Fixed critical bug that may cause clients fail to connect to the NR server on Linux

- Fixed critical bug that may cause peers fail to create P2P connection after tunnel auto-closed while idle

- Fixed bug that causes a computer blocked when using ACL >> Firewall On without any service allowed

- Fixed issues with non-English Windows version

- Fixed bug that may cause nrclient hang while switching between domains

- Fixed bug that may cause domain with password, containing such special characters as < > ' " &, cannot be updated properly

- Fixed bug that causes NR does not work properly on non-English version Windows

- Fixed bug that nrservice on Windows failed to wake up

- Fixed missing icons on MacUI

- Fixed bug that causes MacUI does not remember login password

- Fixed bug in Ini file parser

- Other minor fixes


1. Tomato users may need to backup files under /jffs and restore them after upgrade the firmware, as the latest firmware is bigger enough to destroy the existing /jffs space.

2. Tomato users may need to move the script to start NR server from WAN UP to Init event.

Thanks to our avid Beta Testers to help us discovered and fixed quite a few bugs.

Feel free to download it and tell us what you think.

NeoRouter Team

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