
NeoRouter v0.9.6 released
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Author:  administrator [ Sun May 03, 2009 1:15 am ]
Post subject:  NeoRouter v0.9.6 released

We're very glad to announce that NeoRouter v0.9.6.1048 beta is now available for download. It's compatible with all previous versions, but highly recommended to upgrade to the latest version.

1. New products

* NeoRouter for USB
This product is designed for USB driver users, who may want to activate the secure VPN connection once they plug in their USB key and close the connection automatically once the key unpluged. Nothing installed on the computer and nothing left.

2. New features

* x64 support - NeoRouter supports 64-bit Windows, including XP, 2003, Vista and later.
NOTE: Since we don't sign the driver, for Vista X64 users, please disable the driver signature enforcement feature manually.

* Added option allowing user close the connection when quit from NeoRouter Network Explorer. (See "Disconnect & quit" menu item)

* Added option in Configuration Explorer allowing user to change computer name alias.

* Added option in Configuration Explorer allowing user to setup/reclaim a domain any time.

* Added "Dashboard" website so that user can create/edit/recover a domain.

3. Changes

* Changed company and license related information

* Allow user to install Server component for Windows ONLY, without Network Explorer

* Show server version information in the Configuration Explorer

* Remove cleanup.exe from all setup packages in case some anti-varius software complain

* Sorting computer list and category list

* Shrink the Network Explorer window

* NeoRouter FON plugin has been split into 2 plugins, because Fonera 2.0 has 1MB limitation to a plugin. FON users may want to install the "prerequisite" plugin first, which contains necessary libraries used by NeoRouter.

4. Bug fixing

* ClientUI drag&drop error when number of add-ons exceeds 7

* AutoSignIn does not work properly when missing ClientUI.xml

* Server public IP would be updated with current IP address when change domain information in the Configuration Explorer.

* Client service initialization fail issue

* Fixed UI related issues

Thanks to our avid Beta Testers to help us discovered and fixed quite a few bugs.

Feel free to download it and tell us what you think.

NeoRouter Team

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