
Using NeoRouter VPN for system management
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Author:  tdh10 [ Mon Jun 17, 2019 3:43 am ]
Post subject:  Using NeoRouter VPN for system management

I have been using NeoRouter (Free version) to build my private VPN for my personal machines for a several years.
About 18 months ago I started adding my test servers to my VPN and testing the use of this network to manage them. It basically works like the old Hamache VPN before it went to crap. Plus I hold the encryption keys!!

I configured a IP network of when I installed the server on my small Ramnode server. ( running centminmod of course!). Then I install the client on any machines I want to connect to this network.

I can connect to my servers from my laptop, my desktop, MY PHONE!!, or whatever.
I just poke one hole in CSF to allow the traffic, then I limit the tools on my server to only allow traffic on the network. This allows me to install PHPMYADMIN and Netdata and run it without worrying about being on a specific computer when I need to check something. It is easier to set up and manage than OpenVPN.

The main downside is that it is not Open Source.

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