To simplify spec:
PC1 WinXP Pro, LAN, workgroup, neorouter server installation
PC2 WinVista HP, LAN, workgroup, neorouter explorer installation
PC3 WinXP Pro, WAN, domain, neorouter explorer installation
Just now at home discovered that the same problem is with accessing my office PC3 from PC1.
So, as I understand the flow, for RDC to operate properly after neorouter installed on remote PC you need at least once connect to it with RDC then it is booted but no single user is logged on. ...Seems not, see edits below...
Strange, my another PC2 just now connected with RDC to office PC3 without problems!
I have loged off user from office PC3 and still can't connect to it with RDC from PC1.
Office PC3 complete reboot didn't helped too.
Problem to access with RDC PC3 from PC1.
The same time no problems to access with RDC PC3 from PC2.
After a few hours the problem occurred even with access with RDC PC3 from PC2. So it seems problem can reoccur even without logging off or rebooting.
To summarize:
PC1->PC2 not tested
PC1->PC3 problem
PC2->PC3 was OK, but no problem
PC3->PC2 not tested
Magic again. Logged off the office PC3 from console (not remotely) and now no problem to connect with RDC from PC1 and PC2.
