I really like neorouter, it as been working flawlessly on my openwrt router for more then 2 years, and it's p2p, so traffic is client-client by default, or depending or your settings.
I used Openvpn, hamachi, tinc, ipsec but nothing come close to neorouter in terms of ease of use and flexibility, it even work on my android phone !
A lot of users requested neorouter to be ported to pfsense but i never happened, so i decided to give it a try with the freebsd files..
This was done on
PfSense 2.3.2For this tutorial you need putty and winscp on a windows machine.
neorouter server free (or pro) (i used neorouter free x64)
for freebsdUnpack the neorouter archive on your computer
Log into your pfsense installation as root with winscp and copy each archive files in respective folder in
usr/local/ (archive)/bin/nrserver ----> /usr/local/bin/nrserver
(archive)/bin/nrssetup ----> /usr/local/bin/nrsetup
(archive)/bin/rmnrserver.sh ----> /usr/local/bin/rmnrserver.sh
(archive)/etc/rc.d/nrserver.sh ----> /usr/local/etc/rc.d/nrserver.sh and copy complete folder
(archive)/ZebraNetworkSystems -----> /usr/local/ZebraNetworkSystemsLog into your pfsense installation as root with putty and go to
Now we will generate the certificates for neorouter, copy and pase in shell:
openssl req -new -newkey rsa:2048 -days 3650 -nodes -x509 -keyout /usr/local/ZebraNetworkSystems/NeoRouter/server.key -out /usr/local/ZebraNetworkSystems/NeoRouter/server.crt -config /usr/local/ZebraNetworkSystems/NeoRouter/openssl.cnf
We also need this package to make things work.. copy and paste
pkg install lang/gcc
Now we need to change permission to nrserver.sh so it can work
chmod u+rwx /usr/local/etc/rc.d/nrserver.sh
Now start the server
/usr/local/etc/rc.d/nrserver.sh onestart
Now to make it start automaticly on reboot type this in shell
echo 'nrserver_enable="YES"' >> /etc/rc.conf
And set a admin user (replace
username and
password with yours)
For more info consult neorouter user guide.
nrserver -adduser username password admin
Open port on your pfsense (default is 32976)
Download the respective client (in my case windows client)
You can now administer your server with the client under file tab, options.
If something is not clear let me know i will modify this post.
Works here.
Enjoy ;D