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 Post subject: Windows 10 only see Windows screen and logon is not possible
PostPosted: Sun Sep 22, 2019 4:42 pm 

Joined: Mon Aug 06, 2012 4:06 am
Posts: 9
Seems to be Windows 1903 update related, is not a problem of neorouter and occures when connection Windows 10 to Windows 10.

Also I can connect using rdesktop from a linux machine fine.

Some information about this "area of problems" (german) containing engl. infos and (engl.) links can be found on - look for RDP. I may not insert the links here.

1. windows 10 v1903 high cpu load with dwm.exe - vms freezes and
2. machine freezes on rdp connection

Using the XDDM driver instead the WDDM seems to be a solution i'd like not to temper with the remote machines (here: VMs) configuration until there is a microsoft patch.

The second option seems to be using the microsoft app store's version of "remotedesktop".
This one seems to work fine, also using neorouter's IP... but sadly only in the local LAN.
Since the ping to remote machine's IP works the connection doesen't.

Do you guys have any idea on how to configure the store version of remotedesktop and neorouter to play together?

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