You don't need to unzip .nri files downloaded from the add-ons site. Simply save it as .nri file on your computer. On the AddOnManager dialog box, clicks on the "Install" button to install the .nri file. If Windows changes it to the .zip file, you can rename it to .nri file or choose the .zip file when installing the add-ons. The file name is not important.
Check out here for more information: ... dOnManagerIn addition, I'd like to explain a little it about the add-ons here, in case other users get confused too.
There are two kinds of add-on files: .nri file and .nra file.
.nri file is the NeoRouter add-on installation file used by the add-on manager. It contains a install setting file and one or more NeoRouter add-ons, including the executable files and NeoRouter add-on configuration files (.nra). .nri file is in the zip format.
.nra file is the NeoRouter add-on configuration file. It's a xml file, that is used for exporting/importing the add-on settings and transfer the add-on settings between computers. But you have to install the executable files separatly.
The add-ons published on our website are .nri files. You can download it, install it and start to use.
KevinZ - NeoRouter team