So far, add-ons are supported on Windows version ONLY.
In your case, you can do this:
1. Run Network Explorer and log on
2. Choose menu item File->Add-ons, “Add-ons manager dialog box pops up
3. Drag & drop your NXnomachine main application from File Explorer on to the “Add-ons manager” dialog box
4. Change the properties of the add-on properly
5. Save it and you will see a new add-on has been added to the add-on list
6. Choose the one again and click on the “Edit” button to open the property dialog again
7. Click on the “Export” button to export it to a *.nra file, which is the add-on configuration file.
8. If you have another windows machine and you want to use NXnomachine on it, you don’t need to config the add-on again; just go the Add-on manager (like steps above), click on the “Add[+]” button, click on the “Import” button to import the *.nra file you exported in the step 7
A good example of *.nri file can be downloaded from
KevinZ – NeoRouter team