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 Post subject: Minimize NeoRouter to the system tray!
PostPosted: Sun Aug 22, 2010 12:11 am 

Joined: Thu Sep 10, 2009 6:07 pm
Posts: 13
Minimize NeoRouter to the system tray!

For those waiting for the next version of NeoRouter Pro which I believe includes a switch to minimize the NeoRouter window, I wrote a small utility that will do this on startup.

How it works:
NR2tray.exe simply scans the desktop for a window titled "NeoRouter Network Explorer". This is the default window title before NeoRouter logs in to your network.
Once found, the program just 'closes' the window, same as pressing the Close button on the title bar.
NR2Tray will then close itself. There are no command line switches to worry about.

To use, simply place NR2Tray.exe in the "All Users\Start Menu\Programs\Startup" folder, for Windows XP. NR2Tray will start the next time you boot the computer.

The program works at least 99% of the time or better. I have it running on 16 computers, 15 of them are XP and 1 is vista.
Login does not matter, as the check is done before that.
If you have NeoRouter set for automatic login, it will continue with login even after the window is minimized.

>> Please note:
I wrote NR2Tray for myself to do only one thing, "Minimize NeoRouter"
There is no error checking or time-out periods built into this program. If NeoRouter has not started or for some reason NR2Tray misses the NeoRouter window, NR2Tray will continue running in the background waiting.
If this happens simply end the process 'NR2Tray.exe' by using the Windows Task Manager.

NR2Tray is free to use for personal or business use as you see fit. I will not be upgrading this utility since The NeoRouter gang has added this functionality to the current free version and from what I've read, will be coming out soon for Pro.

Endless Loop

(Sorry about the jumble of notes, hopefully, you get the idea)

NR2Tray.rar [12.84 KiB]
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