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 Post subject: How to configure PuTTY to autologin with USB portable client
PostPosted: Sat Nov 28, 2015 11:15 am 

Joined: Tue Sep 22, 2015 5:15 pm
Posts: 6
I'm trying to figure out how to either set a default user/password for PuTTY to use, or how to specify a settings file or script.

I've been digging around for this without success. Either its not possible, or very obscure.

Can anybody help?


I finally found the section of the User Manual that documents how to do this! HERE

Walkthrough for NR Client Portable (USB) V 2.4.1 4420:
  1. Run NRViewer.exe
  2. Click Add-ons... from the File menu
  3. Click on PuTTY
  4. Click on the small PENCIL icon between + and - at the top of the add-on list.
  5. Click on the three dots (Ellipses) to the right of the COMMAND field.
  6. Add
    -l pi -pw raspberry
    after the existing
    to change the Parameters field to read:
    %NRIPAddress% -l pi -pw raspberry
  7. Click OK until your back to the Edit add-on dialog, Close it.
  8. Click on an active Raspberry Pi
  9. Click on the PuTTY icon, and it should connect and log you is as the Pi user.

This walk through assumes your connecting to a Raspberry Pi computer, and uses the default user Pi, and the default password raspberry. I have several different Pi projects going, this is handy to connect to any of them.

Hope this helps the next person hunting for this!

File comment: Example of the modified PuTTY commands exported to a NRA file. This file can be IMPORTED into the add-on manager, or edited as a Text file. [992 Bytes]
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