I'm trying to figure out how to either set a default user/password for PuTTY to use, or how to specify a settings file or script.
I've been digging around for this without success. Either its not possible, or very obscure.
Can anybody help?
EDIT:I finally found the section of the User Manual that documents how to do this!
HEREWalkthrough for NR Client Portable (USB) V 2.4.1 4420:
- Run NRViewer.exe
- Click Add-ons... from the File menu
- Click on PuTTY
- Click on the small PENCIL icon between + and - at the top of the add-on list.
- Click on the three dots (Ellipses) to the right of the COMMAND field.
- Add
-l pi -pw raspberry
after the existing Code:
to change the Parameters field to read: Code:
%NRIPAddress% -l pi -pw raspberry
- Click OK until your back to the Edit add-on dialog, Close it.
- Click on an active Raspberry Pi
- Click on the PuTTY icon, and it should connect and log you is as the Pi user.
This walk through assumes your connecting to a
Raspberry Pi computer, and uses the default user
Pi, and the default password
raspberry. I have several different Pi projects going, this is handy to connect to any of them.
Hope this helps the next person hunting for this!
File comment: Example of the modified PuTTY commands exported to a NRA file. This file can be IMPORTED into the add-on manager, or edited as a Text file.
pi_auto_login.nra [992 Bytes]
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