
Obtain "real world" IP of connected client
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Author:  someguynamedbob [ Thu Sep 24, 2020 7:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Obtain "real world" IP of connected client

From a Linux server running Neorouter server, is it possible to figure out what the real-world ipv4 address is of each connected client?

"nrserver -showcomputers" shows me all the computers and aliases etc, but not the IP address

Note that I'm after the public internet address, not the local 172.x address that neorouter assigns

I know netstat shows me which IPs the nrserver process is connected to, but how do you map the neorouter name/address to the public internet address?

Author:  kevinz [ Fri Sep 25, 2020 7:27 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Obtain "real world" IP of connected client

Hi someguynamedbob,

Thanks for your post.

With NR Pro, you can enable the "Auditing" feature to get detailed info, including public IP of each client. While NR Free doesn't support it.

KevinZ - NeoRouter team

Author:  someguynamedbob [ Fri Sep 25, 2020 7:37 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Obtain "real world" IP of connected client

Is there anything in the debug log that can be enabled to show this information?

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