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 Post subject: NeoRouter Mesh v2.4.1 released
PostPosted: Fri Jun 12, 2015 6:32 pm 
Site Admin

Joined: Sat Sep 27, 2008 12:35 am
Posts: 83
We're very excited to announce that NeoRouter Mesh v2.4.1.4420 is now available for download.

What's new

* Both NeoRouter client support OpenWrt Barrier Breaker (brcm47xx/ar71xx/x86)

* Upgraded OpenSSL library to v1.0.1l, that fixed critical security issues reported by Jan. 2015

* Upgraded UI library for NeoRouter for Windows. Logo, icon and images have been refreshed in all components

* TLSv1/1.1/1.2 support between NeoRouter Client and Server

* Added new feature option to disable SSLv3 protocol
  DisableSSLv3=0 (default 0; 0 - enable SSLv3; 1 - disable SSLv3 and to use TLS1/1.1/1.2)

* Added new feature option to specify P2P port range
  MinP2PListenPort=0 (default 0; 0 - use any valid port from OS; [valid port number] - use the specified port number)

Note: While establishing P2P connections, NeoRouter clients detect valid ports to punch the NAT. By default, it chooses 5 valid ports allocated by OS. With this option, once can specify the start port number for NeoRouter clients. This is helpful while restrict firewall is used.

* systemd daemon support on Linux distros

* Optimized for Raspberry Pi 2 (RASPBIAN Debian Wheezy)

* Added iPhone support to Remote Access Client for iOS

* Added FreeRDP addon (Windows) to the NeoRouter Viewer

Bug fixes

* Fixed installation issues on CentOS 7, RedHat 7, Fedora 22, Suse 13
Since RedHat introduces systemd to replace init system, NeoRouter for Linux packages do not install properly. This release fixed the issue and make it compatible to both.

* Fixed UI refresh issue in NeoRouter client for Windows

* Fixed bug that NeoRouter client failed to find the NeoRouter virtual network adapter on Windows 10

* Fixed bug that NeoRouter client for Android doesn't work properly on Android 5.x (Lollipop)

Thanks to our avid Beta Testers to help us discovered and fixed quite a few bugs.

Feel free to download it and tell us what you think.

NeoRouter Team

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